Internal Medicine
The therapeutic department of Gumi Gandong Hospital specializes in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, circulatory and digestive organs.
The Department of Gastroenterology subdivides digestive diseases and provides specialized treatment of major digestive diseases such as upper and lower gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, biliary tract and gallbladder.
The cardiology department treats patients with cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, valvular defects and arrhythmias using various diagnostics: electrocardiogram, echocardiography, 24-hour Holter blood pressure monitoring, Doppler study of the heart and blood vessels, angiocardiography. With the use of modern equipment, you can get timely and accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Nephrology diagnoses and treats various inflammatory, infectious, and metabolic diseases occurring in the kidneys and urinary tract. We are running an Artificial Kidney Center.
The main direction of treatment │ Clinic
Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology) | ||||
Upper gastrointestinal tract | Liver | Pancreatic and biliary tract | Lower gastrointestinal tract | Gastro-colonoscopy |
Internal medicine (Cardiology) | ||||||
관상동맥질환 (협심증, 심근경색) |
심부전 | 심장판막질환 | 부정맥 | 고혈압 | 대동맥질환 | 말초혈관질환 |
- 내과 (신장)
- 요검사 이상, 급성 신손상, 만성 신질환, 체내 전해질 이상 등의 원인 진단과 치료
- 만성 신질환을 유발할 수 있는 원발 질환인 당뇨병성 신질환, 고혈압성 신질환, 다낭성 신질환, 사구체질환 및 전신성 홍반성 낭창, 신세관질환, 신혈관성 신질환, 요로 감염 등과 신질환의 전신적인 합병증에 대한 진단과 치료
- 혈액투석실 운영